Facebook lead ads is the best place to generate high quality leads. Facebook can fulfil various marketing needs. It works on one of the best marketing rules that is know your audience.

Many Marketing persons often thinks that they know their customers, but they stuck between customer data and customer analytics.

Many persons trust Facebook, as an easy way to gain potential leads, but sometimes the best way to learn about your costumers is to make a survey or make Facebook lead forms.

So, here we are showing how can you gain potential leads from Facebook. Thus, before going deep into the best Facebook leads ad, let’s cover some important points first.

What is Facebook Advertisement?

As we all are surrounded by 1.6 billion people and all small businesses are connected by Facebook nowadays. As a whole, Facebook has 2.7 billion daily active users.

All I’m saying this because many of your potential leads are using this platform, and making it an advertising platform you can effectively reach your potential customers.

Facebook advertising can assist you to reach your target market, current customer and to be potential customers. You can customize your advertisement according to your need this will help in reaching qualified leads.

Facebook has an inbuilt structure that asks you about your objectives, goals, demographics region etc. Facebook keeps a track of their users by their feed, posts and activities on messenger. Advertisement in Facebook asks you about your ad placement, ad format, budget, types of audiences etc.

All these Facebook advertisements create specified leads, and you get more chances of lead conversion into sale.

What is Facebook Lead Ads?

Facebook leads ads are usually promoted forms. Facebook lead ads will allow to gaining details from customer which connecting with them. These form uses subscription, newsletter, registration and demo requests.

When anyone click on your Facebook lead ad, they will be presented with a promoted form that is pre-filled with information from a certain Facebook profile. Other parts will be completed in few easy steps.

The major benefit of Facebook lead ad is that they are mobile optimized. According to some reports 88 percent of your leads uses Facebook on Mobile. By the way, desktop takes 40 percent longer time to complete forms.

Every social media lead ad has many advantages, but Facebook generated leads can sync directly with your company’s Customer Management System. This helps the salesperson to make follow-ups more easily, which is very essential to make a deal.

How to create a Facebook Lead ads?

Facebook is emerging as the best lead generation tool for marketers. Here’s are some steps to create Facebook lead ads.

  1. Go to Facebook leads Ad Manager.
  2. In Ads Manager, Tap on Create present in top left corner.
  3. Choose Lead generation according to your objective and name.Best Facebook lead ads to grow your Business1
  4. Choose the plan for the lead ad. and View Terms and Conditions and then agree with them.
  5. You can select your target customers, budget, schedule and placements. You can not target peoples under the age of 18.
  6. Choose your lead format. There are many options you can select images, videos carousel and slideshow.
  7. After doing the format part add headline, ad body and call to action, you can preview you add before posting.
  8. Scroll down and click contact form. In that you can add intro, title, some questions, your privacy policy.
  9. Click on Setting under the name of your form and check that to collect organic leads
  10. Tap on finish, review your lead ad and click Confirm.

After the completion with your Facebook lead ad, you can access leads through, implementation of Facebook Marketing API, or it can be done by manual download. Want get more about lead generation you can reach en.wikipedia.org

Facebook allow its advertisers to collect leads using Facebook Instant Experience forms.

Now you’re thinking why Lead management is important for online business. When a business organization are step out, or leads are not properly generated, consumer can detect duplicate and irrelevant information – resulting an out track lead conversion.

Simply, you can manage leads in a better way , weather it’s a CRM or any other lead generation method. This may reduce manual work for an online business that can help in customer experience.

Best Facebook lead ads examples from Brands


LA Auto Show: Fueling ticket sales

The LA Auto Show use many Facebook advertisements for the promotion of its marquee event, these lead are very important for pumping up audience interests.

To find potential customer in ticket sales, they created Facebook lead ads campaign targeted to their potential audience. LA Auto Show delegates followed up to finish the business, adding to a 37 percent increment in web-based ticket deals contrasted and the earlier year.


Revel Systems: Optimizing pays off

Determined to produce more client leads for its retail location framework, revel Systems tested lead ads against connect advertisements that guided individuals to a mission point of arrival.

Early outcomes showed that the in-application lead promotion design prompted multiple times and a 74 percent lower cost for every lead. The organization likewise tried various pictures, observing that pictures that zeroed in on the item performed better.